Unibep Group

Investor relations

A notification of early redemption of series G and H of Unibep SA

Raport: 91/2023
2023.10.24 18:20

In reference to the current report No. 90/2023 of 19 October 2023 informing about the issuance of 1,380,402 pieces of bonds series I with a total par value of PLN 138,040,200 intended, among other purposes, for the redemption or acquisition, for the purpose of bond retirement, of series G or/and series H, the Management Board of Unibep SA [Issuer, Company] notifies about the adoption on 24 October 2023 of a resolution on the retirement of series G and series H bonds, and adoption of a resolution on the early redemption of all unredeemed series G and H bonds not owned by the Company.

On 19 October 2023, the Issuer bought 247,460 pieces of series G bonds and 298,070 pieces of series H bonds for redemption.

1. Early Redemption of series G Bonds

The early full redemption of all Series G bonds that are unredeemed and not owned by the Company will take place on 16 November 2023 through the payment of a pecuniary amount equal to each G series bond par value, i.e., PLN 100, increased by the accrued interest till the date of the early redemption for each Series G bond.

According to the series G Bond Issuance Terms, the day of Early Redemption Date is set for 16 November 2023, while the Date of Record for 8 November 2023.

2. Early Redemption of Series H Bonds

The early full redemption of all series H bonds that are nor redeemed and not owned by the Company will take place 16 November 2023 through the payment of a pecuniary amount equal to each H series bond par value i.e., PLN 100, increased by the accrued interest till the date of the early redemption and an additional monetary benefit in the form of a bonus.

According to the series G Bond Issuance Terms, the day of Early Redemption Date is set for 16 November 2023, while the Date of Record for 8 November 2023.

The early redemption of the aforementioned bonds will be conducted through KDPW, National Depository of Securities (NDS), according to the regulations applicable under KDPW.

At the same time, the Issuer points out that the basis for the early redemption of the aforementioned bonds at the Issuer’s request is the point. 13 of Issuance Terms for these bonds.

The total value of the series G and series H bonds remaining for redemption is approx. PLN 44.9 million plus interest and bonus, according to Bond Issuance Terms.

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