Unibep Group

Investor relations

Selection of three proposals from Unibep SA for implementation of road investments

Raport: 96/2023
2023.12.01 18:43

The Management Board of Unibep SA [Issuer] informs that on 1 December 2023, the Board received from the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Branch in Białystok [Ordering Party 1] a notification of choosing as the most favourable the two offers submitted by the Issuer, i.e.:

1) the offer of the Issuer in a public procurement procedure titled “Design and construction of the S19 road on Dobrzyniewo – Sokółka section, from junction Czarna Białostocka (excluding the junction) to junction Białystok North (excluding the junction)” [Investment 1].

The tender evaluation criteria for the aforementioned proposals were the price [weight 60%] and the warranty and guarantee period [weight 40%].

The price of the offer submitted by the Issuer is approx. PLN 350 million gross [Price].

The investment 1 completion term is 39 months from the Agreement conclusion (excluding winter periods lasting from 15 December to 15 March).

2) the offer in a public procurement procedure titled “Design and construction of the S19 expressway on section junction Białystok North (excluding the junction) to junction Dobrzyniewo (including the junction)” [Investment 2].

The tender evaluation criteria for the aforementioned proposals were the price [weight 60%] and the warranty and guarantee period [weight 40%].

The price submitted by the Issuer is approx. PLN 320 million gross [Price].

The investment 2 completion term is 39 months from the Agreement conclusion (excluding winter periods lasting from 15 December to 15 March).

The Issuer also informs that on 1 December 2023, it received from the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Branch in Warsaw [Ordering Party 2] a notification of choosing as the most favourable the offer submitted by the Issuer in a public procurement procedure titled “Design and extension of national road No. 53 on section Myszyniec – Kadzidło from km approx. 85+600 to km approx. 105+230” [Investment 3].

The tender evaluation criteria for the aforementioned proposals were the price [weight 55%] and the warranty and guarantee period [weight 45%].

The price of the offer submitted by the Issuer is approx. PLN 280 million gross [Price].

The investment 3 completion term is 39 months from the Agreement conclusion (excluding winter periods lasting from 15 December to 15 March).

The Issuer points out that the investment implementation draft agreements envisage contractual penalties for the investment contractors. The penalties cover, among others, delays in implementing the agreement, withdrawal from the agreement for reasons attributable to the investment contractor, and defect removals. The Ordering Party is also entitled to seek additional compensations on general terms. At the same time, the draft of each agreement specifies a limit for contractual penalties, set at 20% of the gross remuneration.

In the event of absence of justified appeals from the remaining participants of the aforementioned tendering procedures regarding the selection of the Issuer’s proposal, within the time frame prescribed provided by law, the agreements for these investments will be concluded. The Issuer will inform about the conclusion of related agreements in a separate current report.

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