26 September 2023

Photovoltaic installations in the Asphalt Mixing Plants of Unibep

Instalacje fotowoltaiczne na Wytwórniach Mas Bitumicznych Unibep

In the era of dynamic climate changes and growing ecological awareness, every company is searching for innovative solutions in the power industry to adapt to requirements of sustainable development. The Infrastructure Branch of Unibep has earned recognition in this field by introducing photovoltaic installations in its Asphalt Mixing Plants (Wytwórnia Mas Bitumicznych, WMB) at three locations: Lipowa Góra, Lewki, and Łomża. These actions align perfectly with the ESG strategy adopted by the Unibep Group.

The Infrastructure Branch of Unibep is joining the energy revolution by installing photovoltaic panels in its Bituminous Mass Plants. All installations have a capacity of 25.07 kWp, which results from 46 panels with a power of 0.545 kWp each. The principle is simple: 1 kWp of power produces approx. 1 MWh of energy. This means not only efficient use of solar radiation but also a reduction in CO2 emissions and energy costs.

Prospects and objectives of action

The objective of the infrastructure Branch of Unibep is to progressively increase the share of renewable energy in production. Currently, the photovoltaic installations supply 100% of the energy needed to power the office space and production supporting facilities. "However, we aim for further development, potentially planning to install a micro-installation with a capacity of 400 kWp. Such a step would cover up to 72% of the annual energy demand. This is not only an investment in the future but also a response to the growing demand for clean energy," said Katarzyna Falkowska-Tyl, Specialist in Electrical Installations.

Impact on the environment and society

The Infrastructure Branch of Unibep aligns with the commitments of the ESG strategy, encompassing environmental protection, social care, and ethical management. The photovoltaic installations are in line with this strategy, reducing the carbon footprint (scope 2) through micro-installations. Analyses and calculations suggest that this reduction may also encompass indirect emissions (scope 1) through alternative solutions, such as direct combustion.


Impact in numbers and perspectives

This initiative has tangible effects. Considering that three photovoltaic installations collectively generated 75 MWh of zero-emission energy in 2022, while the Mixing Plants consumed 1 734.911 MWh, it offset the consumption by 4.5%. Assuming the additional installation will have the capacity of 400 kWp, the reduction will increase to 27.5%. These numbers represent not only the savings but also reflect the concrete steps taken towards protection of the environmental and the future.

The Infrastructure Branch of Unibep is becoming a symbol of a new approach to business, where sustainable development and responsibility towards the environment and society are not just slogans, but real actions contributing to creating a better future.

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