12 October 2023

Another agreement with the Military University of Technology!

Mamy kolejną umowę z WAT!

On the morning of 11 October 2023, on the premises of Military University of Technology (WAT, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna), Unibep signed an agreement for the implementation of the Innovation and Cybersecurity Centre. It will house laboratories and educational facilities of the faculty of the Cybernetics faculty at WAT as well as the Expert Training Centre for Cybersecurity under the Ministry of National Defence (MON) of the Republic of Poland. In just 4 years, the future personnel of the Cyberspace Defence Forces, among others, will be trained there. The investment cost is PLN 207.9 million.

The agreement for the construction of the Innovation and Cybersecurity Centre was signed by Brigadier General, prof. dr hab. inż. Przemysław Wachulak, the Rector-Commandant of the Military University of Technology, and Krzysztof Mikołajczyk, Vice President of the Management Board of Unibep SA and Construction Director.

2023 10 11 podpisanie porozumienia RKR KP 006

For Unibep this is yet another investment for the expansion of the infrastructure of the Military University of Technology. At the beginning of 2023, the General Contractor delivered for use the Radio Science and Education Centre of the Faculty of Electronics at the Military University of Technology (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, WAT).

“We are pleased that the Military University of Technology recognised our work and once again selected us as the general contractor for its investment. We owe this success primarily to the team that worked on the construction of the Radio Science and Education Centre of the Faculty of Electronics at WAT. I am convinced that the relationship they have established and the quality of the work performed have been considered by the Investor of this tender,” said Krzysztof Mikołajczyk, Vice President of the Board of Unibep and Construction Director, adding “At Unibep, we have been implementing construction works for military purposes for years because we possess the necessary competences and safety certificates. We are also pleased by the fact that public institutions are increasingly opting for Polish capital as Unibep is currently the largest Polish construction company.”

As part of the investment, a modern science and education facility will be established. It will serve for conducting research related to the development and application of new technologies in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, enhancing the safety and efficiency of military operations, particularly in the field of cybersecurity.

Owing to the decisions of WAT and ECSC (Cybersecurity Training Centre of Excellence), as well as the immense financial support from the Ministry of National Defence, the Innovation and Cybersecurity Centre is being established. “In the Cybersecurity Centre, our scientists will conduct innovative research on a national and global scale in the fields of artificial intelligence, virtual simulation, augmented reality, and cybersecurity,” explained the Rector-Commandant of WAT, Brigadier General prof. Przemysław Wachulak.

2023 10 11 podpisanie porozumienia RKR KP 042

About the investment

The Innovation and Cybersecurity Centre will consist of two four-storey sections connected by a glass corridor. The usable area of the building is close to 9 500 square metres. Part A is designated for the Cybersecurity Training Centre of Excellence of MON (Ministry of National Defence), and part B will house the faculty of cybernetics at WAT (Military University of Technology). The building will be distinguished by its modern form combined with high functionality of its facilities.

In the facility, there will be, among others, the Cyber Polygon, which is a laboratory of war games, the Cyber Security Training Centre of Excellence (CSTCOE), a field object tracking systems laboratory with technical facility, the virtual simulation laboratories in battlefield management systems, a mobile systems laboratory, the capability system laboratory designed to serve as the Analytical Centre for Games and Strategic Analysis, and a computer laboratory. Technological manufacturing workshops will also be located in the building, including circuit printing, 3D printing, and precision machining workshops. The facility will include server rooms, lecture halls, a conference centre, as well as technical and social facilities.

An attractive feature of the building will be the dome, which will house a facility with a semi-dome-shaped screen with a radius of six meters. This facility will be equipped with a virtual simulator, image generators, image processors, projectors, sound systems, computer stations, as well as projectors with sound systems and projection screens.


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